
HELP WANTED, Apply within...

Do you Python your Qt in order to OpenGL your C/C++ and can you FORTRAN in your Sleep?
Want to make future employers look at you twice before graduation? Consider volunteering to work on an important Open Source software development project located here at the University of Denver!!! 
You will use your science and software skills. You will develop algorithms. You will refactor and integrate existing software just like on the job! You will develop cross-platform software! You will have an important project on your resume you can show off! You will have fun!!!

Software: Python, C/C++, XML, OpenGL, Qt GUI development and FORTRAN

Operating Systems: OS X, Linux and Windows

Application Areas of Interest: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Molecular Dynamics, Molecular Mechanics and Physics


  1. I'm doing a molecular dynamics modeling of the interface of CNT with Copper but i can't find Copper in NanoEngineer. Is there a solution for this problem.

  2. Copper would have to be added to CFF91 force field or NE-1 would have to reference a force field that contains copper. I am working toward implementing both for my work. I don't have a time frame for release.

  3. I am also looking for people who are interested in writing software for MDS.

  4. Dear Mr. Allen,

    Good morning. Are you still alive/online? I hope so, and wish you well. I am extremely interested in nano-assemblers/-disassemblers and am not completely aversed to learning FORTRAN.

    I recently got a NanoEngineer-1 chroot working on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in my home office. Thankfully LAMMPS is in apt-get by now. Also just downloaded PackMol. I'm new to Qt but just got shown the ropes. I'm wondering what level of assistance you could use in Qt GUI?

    The way to reach me would be veritasnegotium around the yahoo of the dot com area. Please send me a PING if you're still kicking molecules around looking for nanites, and I will certainly send you a related PONG.


    James Moore
